The Good Grief Trust exists to help all those affected by grief in the UK. Our vision is to help those bereaved from day one, acknowledge their grief and provide reassurance, a virtual hand of friendship and ongoing support.
We bring bereavement services together, to ensure that everyone receives the tailored support they need to move forward with their lives.
Arranging a funeral for a child is something no-one can imagine having to do. And at a very emotional time, financial pressures in paying funeral expenses can add to the distress.
We, the Child Funeral Charity (CFC) assist families financially in England and Wales who have to arrange a funeral for a baby or child from 12 weeks of gestation to age 17 (up to 18th birthday). Whilst many funeral directors, the clergy and most celebrants do not charge fees, there are other funeral related expenses that bereaved parents struggle to find. Financial support is available from us to help with such funeral costs, together with practical advice and guidance.
Everyone experiences bereavement at some stage in their life, whether it's the death of a parent, a loved one, a friend or child. The experience often means that our lives will never be the same again. Sometimes the feelings - the despair, loneliness or even guilt - may overwhelm us, so much so that we need help. In time, and with support, we can work through such feelings and learn to live with our loss.
Adult Bereavement Services are available to anyone who lives in Highland over the age of 18, who has been bereaved by the death of a significant person in their life, regardless of the cause of death.
The sweeping burial ground is flanked on each side by silver birch woodland. At the far end, the glade opens up to reveal the superb river Spey.
Unhurried, tranquil and private, it offers something gentler. A place of escape, away from it all. The peace and beauty of the countryside are special, whatever the season. It allows you time and space to focus your mind, a place to reflect on life, love and loss.
Established in 1991, The Natural Death Centre is a social, entrepreneurial, educational charity that gives free, impartial advice on all aspects of dying, bereavement and consumer rights.
We give support on family-organised and environmentally friendly funerals, and we run the Association of Natural Burial Grounds. Although green in outlook, we promote choice and education in all aspects of funerals.
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